28 Summers - Find Your Adventure

Season 2, Ep 45 - Nikki Love On It Never Being Too Late To Achieve Your Dreams

Jay Worthy Season 2 Episode 45

My guest today is Nikki Love @nikkiloveruns - according to her website she is here to do her best, be her best, have a blast along the way and bring as many people as she can along for the ride. Put simply she is Chasing Extraordinary! Nikki’s message is simple - it’s never too late, you’re never too old and you are capable of much more than you ever thought possible.  In this awesome chat, Nikki talks through her own journey of self-doubt and discovery and how she unlocked her superpowers.  This is a must-listen, perfectly timed as we reflect back on the last 12 months and how we want to take on 2022!

Nikki talks about how experiencing highs and lows, running for fun and pushing herself to the brink brought back her confidence, her daring, her passion and her purpose.